Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Zippity Do Da Club

Each student will be part of the Zippity Do Da club when they are able to put on and zip up their own coat. Almost everyone in the class could do it at the beginning of the winter break -- we're hoping for full class participation in January!

Our order for putting on our winter gear:
1. Snow Pants
2. Boots
3. Coat
4. Hat
5. Scarf
6. Backpack
7. Mittens

We always put our mittens on last so we can zip up our own zippers (and put on our backpacks at home time) -- I realize that at home you might want to put on mitten's first, but it is extremely difficult for Ms. Brown to help individual students when 19 other children are getting all hot and sweaty and impatient!

It appears that January will be COLD! Please send your child with full outdoor gear each day as we try to go outside for at least 15 minutes daily unless the TDSB tells us that it is too cold to play outside (i.e. if the wind chill is -20 to -28 C)

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